Are anger, stress, grief, anxiety, burnout, drinking more than you want to, work/life balance and depression preventing you from living the life you want?  

We understand that in Australian society, men face mental health challenges just as frequently as women, yet seeking help can feel daunting. There's a common misconception about how men experience these challenges, which can lead to under-recognition and under-reporting.

Who can you talk to about these things?  …. As a man, perhaps you feel the pressure and expectation to deal with things on your own, to be “strong” or “fix it” yourself. And you probably face the added challenge of the stigma about mental health.

You are not alone. You deserve to have someone understanding and open to talk to about the important things, especially if they prevent you from living the life you want.

We offer a warm, respectful, non-blaming space that provides support and time to explore your questions about your life while also creating space to laugh and identify your strengths and skills and a way forward. Jarel is passionate about narrative therapy, which helps you explore your life stories and learn about your hopes, skills, competencies, beliefs, values and commitments.


Some of the questions men ask and the things they say:

How can I improve my relationships? I want to be a better partner … husband … father.

How do I communicate better?

My work-life balance isn’t good.

How can I control my anger better?

I’m lonely; I don’t want to feel isolated.

I'm drinking too much; I'd like to drink less.


Jarel looks forward to supporting you with your hopes and dreams; embark on this journey with him. You deserve to live a fulfilling and emotionally healthy life.

Dare to be courageous; we're here to support you every step of the way.

We're here to support you to Live a life you love.

Men's Mental Health

Strength isn't found in silence alone

Reach out, speak up, and embrace the support you deserve

Reach Out

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We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land where we work and live, the Darkinjung People and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We celebrate the stories, culture and traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders of all communities who also work and live on this land.